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Fresh Paint Inc. - Commercial and Industrial Painting Services - St. Paul Minnesota

PCA Standards: Rising Above The Industry Standard

PCA Industry Standards Workbook

Fresh Paint adheres to the standards of the Painting Contractors Association (PCA) in all of our work. Learn more by clicking the link to review the full PCA Standards. Why Fresh Paint Follows the PCA Industry Standards: Provide the measure by which the quality of wall coating work can be evaluated by the consumer. Protect the […]

What Are The Different Types of Exterior Coatings for Businesses?

Grey warehouse with large orange garage doors - Types of Exterior Coatings

Your building’s exterior endures a lot of abuse from outdoor elements. Blistering sunlight, driving rains, hail, and snow, all impact its longevity. So, protecting your investment becomes a propriety. Thankfully, the coatings industry has been working overtime to produce a range of exterior painting formulations that can withstand nature’s most furious moments. This blog will […]

What causes paint chalking?

Hands covered with chalky paint - Causes of Paint Chalking - Fresh Paint - Commercial Painting Company in Minneapolis

When your beautiful coat of velvety paint starts defecting onto your clothing in a powdery film, you don’t have to give up.